Hydraulically driven Straw Blower
The Raptor range of hydraulically driven straw blowers are designed for independent loading of a round bale, round bale Ø 2m or square bale. They provide 270° strawbedding to reach the smallest corners of strawbeds. These compact 2m3 capacity machines are available in mounted, trailed and telehandler versions.
See features
Equipped with a semi-automatic 3-point linkage that fits all tractors. This type of machine is perfect to go inside the strawbeds. In order to work properly, we recommend using it with a 100 HP tractor. .
Equipped with an articulated hitch as standard, the machine follows the tractor wheels perfectly for perfect manoeuvrability. As an option, the fixed hitch is adjustable in 3 positions from 426 to 521 mm. A tractor of only 50 HP is required for strawbedding.
In order to adapt to the different telescopic handlers on the market, Lucas G has developed a wide range of attachments. To ensure a perfect operation of the machine, we recommend a minimum capacity of 2.8 T with a hydraulic flow of 90 l/min.

270° hydraulic swivelling chute located as an extension of the turbine and the straw of flow to guarantee a bedding distance of 15 m on the right side and 13 m on the left side. The chute deflector adjusts the straw blowing distance, it is controlled from the tractor cab. This system makes possible the complete straw blowing of a barn in a single pass.

This shredder has been optimised for the passage of round & square bales of straw. The diameter of the shredder body prevents the material from rolling up, its teeth accelerate the passage of the cut straw and bring the material evenly to the turbine. Finally, the 5 serrated discs decompact the bale and allow a clean cut of the straw. The diameter of the discs also limits the flow of material to the turbine.

This piece has been designed in a single block to keep a perfect stability of the machine. Equipped with 6 blowing paddles, the material is launched up to the chute. The turbine is integrated in a 33 cm blowing conduit avoid jamming problems and gives outstanding work output.

The shredder is hydraulically driven to enables low power tractor from 50 HP to achieve straw blowing application.The cinematic is put in security through a hydraulic pressure valve. The hydraulic drive of the shredder ensures smooth strawbedding and allows a clean break in the straw flow.
Patented by Lucas G, this bevelled part is located at the outlet of the chute and ensures that the material exits without blockage. If a surplus of material is present at the level of the blade, the cut-off plate will remove it so that the following blade expels it. This system guarantees a sustained and homogeneous strawbedding even with glued straw. The cut-off plate promotes the suction effect for better strawbedding performance

Hydraulically driven, it has 9 moving speeds from 0 to 20 m/min.The speed is adjusted by the electrical control, the bed chain brings the material to the shredder. It can be moved forward or backward. Designed with 8 mm marine chains with bolt-on bars, it is guided and driven hydraulically by nuts for better centering and resistance to bale weights.

The rounded design enables self-loading and bale handling for round bales up to 2 m diameter and square bales up to 1.20 x 1.20 x 2.50 m. It has a door loading capacity of 650 kg. As an option, a second control station located at the door controls the opening and closing of the door and the moving floor.